
Author Archives: ryan

Put the FIT into 50

Put the FIT into 50

I recently had a article published about me and my DVD, Fighting Fit at 50 in Saturday’s paper. You can view the original here or read it below: Former policeman Mark Burgess has fought criminals, fought doughnuts and now, having reinvented himself as a fitness guru, wants to fight the state’s rising obesity epidemic among over-50s. Known…

As I walked out the door that would lead to my freedom, I know if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison. — Nelson Mandela

As I walked out the door that would lead to my freedom, I know if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.

Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow. — Robert T Kiyosaki

Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.

A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life. — Muhammad Ali

A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.

Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe

“I made a movie some years ago called Cinderella Man, I played former heavyweight  boxing Champion James Braddick During the fight scenes I had to be in great physical condition and make the fight scenes as authentic as possible. I did this with the help of Mark CHOPPER Burgess. He assisted in many rounds of sparring…

Sam Thaiday

Sam Thaiday

(Broncos Capt. and Qld State of Origin and Australian team member) “Chopper is a fantastic trainer, I really enjoy my time with him, can’t believe he is the age he is… awesome”

Jonathon Brown

Jonathon Brown

(Brisbane Lions Capt. AFL and All Australian team member) Love training with the old fella, Chopper makes me work hard which makes playing easy in comparison. I am just waiting for him to slow down a bit so I have more of a chance of tagging him.

Wendell Sailor

Wendell Sailor

(Dual international footballer, Qld State of origin star, Australian rugby league player, Australian rugby player(Wallabies), decorated author and commentator) Chopper is the first person I call when I need a reality check, his training is tuff. His loyalty and respect is why we have been close friends for almost 20yrs. I am the star, but…

Gordon Tallis

Gordon Tallis

(Broncos, Qld State of Origin and Australian Rugby League Capt. author and commentator) Chopper, a friend, a mate and a training partner… I have never meet anyone else like him. Discipline personified.

Kim Cannon

Kim Cannon

Businessman, Company owner and major sponsor for the Brisbane Broncos. Kim started training at a body weight of 138kgs… grossly overweight and unfit. After some SERIOUS adjustments to his lifestyle and regular exercise, Kim now weighs in at 118kgs after a year of personal discipline. His goal weight of 110kgs is now in sight.


Phil “The Chainsaw” Parker

Phil rang me 3 years ago and asked to meet up for a coffee. He was 92 kgs ,52 years old and looked like he was about to die. 3 years on and he has become a role model of health and fitness, losing 20kgs in weight and becoming an inspiration to young and old…

Simon and Victor Kalinowski

Both big boys, both corporate heavyweights in their own right. Victor a Financial Engineer and Simon the Managing Director of his own company. There also share a love of the pantry and the fridge… hence a very discipline training regime that stretches back years. These guys aren’t just long time clients but also good friends…

Robby Guardala

Robby Guardala

Robby Guardala started training 10 years ago next month. His starting weight was 102 kgs and he is only 5ft 6in. He is currently 75kgs (see attached) and in awesome shape at 42yrs of age.  After 10 years of Team chopper training he has become a great ambassador for health. Robby runs up to 50kms…

David ‘Homicide’ Thomas

After 15 years working in the Police Service this is the only bloke that I used to work with that I am proud to call a friend. Loyally, integrity and a strong work ethic are also the reasons why Thomo left the Police. He has these characteristics in bundles an as a result retired after…


Dan and I met 10 years ago training together whilst he was playing elite sport. Dan is way too intelligent and tuff to play his chosen sport, and as a result left his profession to successfully run his own business and raise children. Yet the drive for elitism burned deeply inside him, and with that…

Michael “The Shawthing” Shaw and Kelvin “The Kelvinator” Muspratt

Both former professional basketball players who have continued there high intensity training at Teamchopper. Basket ball players don’t usually send shudders of fear down your spine, but these 2 guys break the mould. Not only does there training involve boxing drills, truck pulls, tracker tyre drags, weights and triathlon drills but they hop into the…

Mick Moore

Mick Moore

Words cannot accurately describe a bloke like Mick. He was a one of a kind, a country bloke that placed family and respect above all else.  A bloke that had more honour, humility and loyalty than any person I have ever met on this earth. He was a son of Pat’s and Marcella’s, he was…


Michael “BOOM BOOM” Burke

If you look in the Oxford dictionary under “Health Professionals” there is a picture of Boom Boom.  Michael is this countries and possible the worlds leading physiotherapist. He is also the resident physio at Team Chopper Int. A long time friend and client, we have travel internationally working together. I hurt them and he fixes…

Richard 'Rico' James

Richard ‘Rico’ James

Ever met a tough accountant?…I have RICO….that’s right, the person I have done literally 100s and 100s of rounds with is a number cruncher. Yet, he is without a doubt one of the toughest men I have ever met in my life. Although big Rico has a softer side… He is well known for tying…

“Big Bad” Bobby Koning and Smoking Joe “Black” Carbone

“Big Bad” Bobby Koning (On the left) and Smoking Joe “Black” Carbone. They are long time clients who loving eating and making money as much as training. They both have Fruit and Veg Empires, plus big families….yet still find the time to train at Team Chopper 2 to 3 times a week. It’s a credit…